
ASP.NET Web PDF Document Viewer/Editor Control Library

Another problem with ignoring the off-screen text box in Notes Page view is that you do not recognize and plan for an incredibly rich source of information during PowerPoint presentations your own narration. The result is that the relationship between your spoken words and projected visuals is not fully addressed. Thinking of the slide area as the piece of paper rather than one frame in a lmstrip ignores this essential element of a live presentation your verbal narration. You might assume that the information can stand alone, without verbal explanation, but a PowerPoint slide does not exist in a vacuum you are standing there speaking to your audience while you project the slide. You must effectively plan how your spoken words and projected images relate to each other. And if you write nothing in the off-screen notes area, you will be unable to take advantage of Presenter view, as shown in Figure 2-16 and described in Appendix B on the companion CD, to manage your presentation because nothing will appear in the speaker notes pane on the right to guide you while you cover all the points you want to make.

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You can create an entries table in your mydiary database in two ways at this point. The first option is to use SQL through the MySQL command line client (or whatever alternative you re using) and generate a table by hand, like so:

CREATE TABLE entries ( id int auto_increment, title varchar(255), content text, created_at datetime, PRIMARY KEY(id) );

This SQL statement creates the entries table with four columns: an id column, a title column to store the title of the diary entry, a content column, and a created_at column that stores the date and time when the entry was created. Creating tables with SQL or a GUI client works well, but a better alternative is to use a system Rails provides called migrations. Migrations provide a programmatic way to manage your database s schema and data. Migrations allow you to manage the evolution of your database s schema over time and give you the functionality to roll back your schema or create it all at once upon a new database.

By addressing only one channel in your presentation, as shown earlier in Figure 2-15, you easily create split attention and redundancy in a live presentation. And by not capturing what is said verbally in the off-screen notes area, you also miss the chance to use PowerPoint for an effective handout that you could otherwise create by printing notes pages.

Exceptions may be used to represent exceptional or illegal states in your program (such as trying to divide a number by zero, or reading from a nonexistent file), and will, unless caught by you, terminate the program. Warnings, on the other hand, are mild error messages; they notify you that something isn t quite right, but your program keeps running. For example, try to import the regex module:

Note Full information about migrations is available from http://www.rubyonrails.org/



In this chapter you ve learned about several important concepts not only for programming in Ruby, but for programming in general. If these concepts seem logical to you already, you re well on the way to being a solid Ruby developer. Let s recap the main concepts before moving on: Class: A class is a definition of a concept in an object-oriented language such as Ruby. We created classes called Pet, Dog, Cat, Snake, and Person. Classes can inherit features from other classes, but still have unique features of their own. Object: An object is a single instance of a class (or, as can be the case, an instance of a class itself). An object of class Person is a single person. An object of class Dog is a single dog. Think of objects as real-life objects. A class is the classification, whereas an object is the actual object or thing itself.

>>> import regex __main__:1: DeprecationWarning: the regex module is deprecated; please use the re module >>> regex <module 'regex' (built-in)> It s obvious that the interpreter didn t like this; the regex module is old, and you should use the re module instead. (You learn more about the re module in 10.) However, because a lot of code already uses the regex module, it would be unreasonable to demand that re be used; that would simply break all the older code. So instead, a warning is issued. If, for some reason, you are stuck with the regex module, you can happily ignore the warning (although you probably should rewrite your code). You can even filter it out (with the function filterwarnings), so it isn t printed: >>> from warnings import filterwarnings >>> filterwarnings('ignore') >>> import regex If you want to learn more about warnings, you can check out the warnings module in the standard library documentation at http://www.python.org/doc/lib.

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